• Volume 1   by Katie Hester You’ve loved how Katie has blended her flute with our worship on Sundays, here’s your opportunity to enjoy her amazing gift at home! REST, REFLECT, RECEIVE, REJOICE! Songs 1- 22 of 44. 1 Hour, 5 Minutes. Instrumental flute and piano with both classical & jazz influence. A journey from soothing to upbeat heartfelt expression in the tuning of 444 Hz.....drawing the listener to rest, reflect, receive, and rejoice!  
  •   by Katie Hester Katie Hester brings forth some truly relaxing and disarming sounds as she plays her beautiful flute over piano and occasional other instruments. Her music is magnetic as it draws people to a place of rest where they hear best, above all the noise. Healing Flute and Soaking Music inspired by her faith and many songs done in the frequencies known to heal the body and soul.

      by Coty Sloan This album is a collection of songs that deal with the reality that life isn't always easy, but in and through every struggle, hope and beauty can always be found. Anchor of Hope is a vocal album of songs designed to tackle the real issues of life while cementing the hope and the character of God in the hearts of the listener.

      by Coty Sloan Melodies of the Spirit is violin-led instrumental of original music designed for healing, rest, prayer, and wholeness. These songs are personal but they are not only my story, they are yours. This album is designed to bring hope, establish the character of God, and spur people on in worship.
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