My Journey of Transformation from Shame to Grace

by Marcia Ann Congdon

Why aren’t things changing? Why am I not able to get the life I dreamed of? Why can’t I connect with people? What holds me back from my dreams and my desires?

If these statements sound all too familiar, you may be experiencing a wounded heart that has never been heard, and you may not realize you have never had a voice to express the hurts, pain, regret or shame of your life. Is it time to go on your own healing journey? Are you ready to dig a little deeper to uncover hidden pain that is keeping you locked away, from breakthrough and ultimate freedom?

Excerpt from Review: “As I read this life story of Rev. Marcia Ann, she exudes the grace of God with education for the reader of how, at times, The Lord takes us through processing. Such education is priceless. For me, at times, it’s hard to understand and put words to the ‘process’ of growth. She does this wonderfully and I so appreciate her honesty in ‘where’ she was and giving us a path of newness if we are willing to look at our own things.”

Available in Paperback & Kindle