Unlimited Access to the Voice of God by Cherrie Kaylor As a child of God, hearing the Father’s voice is your spiritual inheritance. The good news is that your Heavenly Father is always talking! In fact, He has a lot to say about your divine purpose in His Kingdom. For over 40 years, God has used Cherrie Kaylor in both church and corporate settings to help people discover the simplicity and joy of hearing from Heaven. Here Cherrie teaches you the powerful, yet simple keys she has learned to hearing God’s voice and putting His Word to work. Don’t just read the Bible as a book of information… experience the living word of God as life-changing revelation! As you open its pages, you will step under an open heaven and receive prophetic guidance from the Holy Spirit for supernatural living, empowerment to face your everyday struggles, and wisdom to decipher Heaven’s language through dream interpretation. Tune in to hear the sounds of Heaven and start living out your divine destiny… right now! Available on Paperback, Kindle & Audiobook
A Practical Guide by Brian & Stephanie Mitchell The gift of prophecy is still in operation in the Body of Christ today, and it is a gift that followers of Jesus should pursue, both in giving prophetic words and receiving them. However, at times it is difficult to process the words we receive and discern if they are from God or if they are words that are not from Him and should be discarded. This book will help you to examine the prophetic words you receive and make sense of them, to be intentional to go after the words you feel like are from God that will help move you into your destiny and call. Available in Paperback and Kindle!
Do you feel like there are mountains standing in the way of your destiny? Does it seem like your prayers are falling on deaf ears? Are you questioning God’s goodness because He doesn’t seem to care about what you’re facing? I totally understand. Our family has faced mountain after mountain. What we’ve walked through has left me questioning God and made me wonder if He could even be trusted. I’ve angrily pushed God away, then just as quickly run after Him because I knew, even in my heartache and confusion, He was the only answer to moving the many mountains we’ve faced. God longs for us to engage Him in conversation and ask Him questions about our mountains. As we learn to recognize His voice, an intimate friendship grows. Truth is revealed to our hearts and our perspective shifts to become more aligned with His. As that happens, faith for the impossible grows within us . . . even in the face of the most challenging circumstances. Throughout this book, you’ll engage God in conversation, ask Him hard questions, and lean in to hear His voice. You may even discover that some of those mountains you’re facing are by divine design because you have a calling to shape them like wind shapes the earth. It’s time for you to boldly speak to the mountains you’re facing and change the landscape of the world around you! Available in Softback and Kindle!
Longing for a Different Life by Jill A. Hawes Chippee was born a chicken in a box with an artificial light and an artificial heater. She hatched next to other chickens who chirped happily and loved being in the warm, cozy, safe box. But, Chippee decided from the beginning that she would not settle for the hum-drum life of a chicken. Chippee longed for a different life! So...she hatched a plan. A plan of escape. A PLAN of Freedom! As Chippee tries to escape, she finds a different life, but will her plans lead her to a dangerous ending? Available on Amazon!
by Rhonda Fleming A simple Bible study method that helps you hear God speak to you through His Word. Knowing what’s in the Bible is important. Getting to know the Author of the Bible and learning to hear Him speak to you is essential in order to fulfill your destiny! Treasure Seeker Bible Study Workbook provides detailed instructions to teach you a simple three-question Bible study method that will help you discern what God wants to say to you through His Word. This method and the included worksheets can be used to study your choice of scriptures, individually or with a group. Available in Kindle
Abandoning religion to seek the heart of God by Emily Fieg Does your spiritual life feel mundane? Are you weighed down by self-imposed expectations? Do you try as hard as you can but still feel unfulfilled? What if I told you God wants to reveal Himself to you in a new and life-changing way? Throughout these pages, you’ll discover a study of Scripture woven together with the author’s personal testimony. This book will take you on a journey of transformation as you leave behind religious tendencies to follow Jesus. You can deepen your faith, find breakthrough, and obtain victory over the enemy as you weigh your theology objectively against Scripture and examine God’s true nature and your God-given identity. Discover how the Holy Spirit can change everything as you walk in deeper intimacy with the Lord. As you encounter God and learn to hear His voice, you’ll find hope and freedom to be who God created you to be. Available in Paperback & Kindle
My Journey of Transformation from Shame to Grace by Marcia Ann Congdon Why aren’t things changing? Why am I not able to get the life I dreamed of? Why can’t I connect with people? What holds me back from my dreams and my desires? If these statements sound all too familiar, you may be experiencing a wounded heart that has never been heard, and you may not realize you have never had a voice to express the hurts, pain, regret or shame of your life. Is it time to go on your own healing journey? Are you ready to dig a little deeper to uncover hidden pain that is keeping you locked away, from breakthrough and ultimate freedom? Excerpt from Review: “As I read this life story of Rev. Marcia Ann, she exudes the grace of God with education for the reader of how, at times, The Lord takes us through processing. Such education is priceless. For me, at times, it’s hard to understand and put words to the ‘process’ of growth. She does this wonderfully and I so appreciate her honesty in ‘where’ she was and giving us a path of newness if we are willing to look at our own things.” Available in Paperback & Kindle
by G. Claire When is a dragon not a dragon? When is a prince not a prince? When do you burn evidence of your royalty and run, disguised as a boy? Eva finds her royal birthright has come at a high price, one that could cost her life. In the middle of dark intrigue, she must decide what to do: Trust the words of a mysterious traveler; or stay in the castle, hoping to restore the ruined Kingdom of Dunmoor. She knows one day she must face a danger sprung to life from the most frightening tale she knows . . . or forever be looking over her shoulder. Her choice means everything. For her. For the Kingdom. This story is stitched between the lines of supernatural realism, with medieval fairytale underpinnings. Available in Paperback & Kindle
Strategies for Overcoming in the Midst of Spiritual Warfare by Cassandra Bellevue The purpose of this book is to encourage those who feel like throwing in the towel and to show them how to adopt new strategies of warfare. If you feel like life is dealing you blow after blow, I’m here to tell you there’s hope. God is fighting this battle with you and for you – when you choose to partner with Him. Victory is your portion! If you don’t quit, then you will win! So come on in and get acquainted with your God-given weaponry. It’s time to get your strategy to overcome and start winning your battles! “We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8 NLT Available in Hardback, Paperback & Kindle