• My Journey of Transformation from Shame to Grace by Marcia Ann Congdon Why aren’t things changing? Why am I not able to get the life I dreamed of? Why can’t I connect with people? What holds me back from my dreams and my desires? If these statements sound all too familiar, you may be experiencing a wounded heart that has never been heard, and you may not realize you have never had a voice to express the hurts, pain, regret or shame of your life. Is it time to go on your own healing journey? Are you ready to dig a little deeper to uncover hidden pain that is keeping you locked away, from breakthrough and ultimate freedom? Excerpt from Review: “As I read this life story of Rev. Marcia Ann, she exudes the grace of God with education for the reader of how, at times, The Lord takes us through processing. Such education is priceless. For me, at times, it’s hard to understand and put words to the ‘process’ of growth. She does this wonderfully and I so appreciate her honesty in ‘where’ she was and giving us a path of newness if we are willing to look at our own things.” Available in Paperback & Kindle
  • from Winter to Spring   by Anne Say Embrace your identity with peace and confidence.  Each journal activity elicits the           courage to step out of the normal and live from a place of authentic peace. At every encounter the reader discovers who they are created to be and how to move toward all they dream of accomplishing. This journal is an effective tool for healing and wholeness. It contains responsive opportunities to creatively apply healing concept. Each section encourages a comfortable step into identity and purpose, and removes the “should of”, “could of”, “would of” from self-talk. Available in Paperback
  •   by Katie Hester Katie Hester brings forth some truly relaxing and disarming sounds as she plays her beautiful flute over piano and occasional other instruments. Her music is magnetic as it draws people to a place of rest where they hear best, above all the noise. Healing Flute and Soaking Music inspired by her faith and many songs done in the frequencies known to heal the body and soul.
  • Sometimes the best part of a gift a child receives is the box it came in. This book tells the story of how a young boy and his sister use their imaginations and a simply decorated cardboard box to take fantastic trips to faraway places and meet exotic, imaginary creatures. The illustrations are beautiful, simple, and look like pages in a coloring book. This book will encourage your kids to lay down the electronics and use their vivid imaginations to make incredible journeys to exotic places.
  • Do you feel like there are mountains standing in the way of your destiny? Does it seem like your prayers are falling on deaf ears? Are you questioning God’s goodness because He doesn’t seem to care about what you’re facing? I totally understand. Our family has faced mountain after mountain. What we’ve walked through has left me questioning God and made me wonder if He could even be trusted. I’ve angrily pushed God away, then just as quickly run after Him because I knew, even in my heartache and confusion, He was the only answer to moving the many mountains we’ve faced. God longs for us to engage Him in conversation and ask Him questions about our mountains. As we learn to recognize His voice, an intimate friendship grows. Truth is revealed to our hearts and our perspective shifts to become more aligned with His. As that happens, faith for the impossible grows within us . . . even in the face of the most challenging circumstances. Throughout this book, you’ll engage God in conversation, ask Him hard questions, and lean in to hear His voice. You may even discover that some of those mountains you’re facing are by divine design because you have a calling to shape them like wind shapes the earth. It’s time for you to boldly speak to the mountains you’re facing and change the landscape of the world around you! Available in Softback and Kindle!
  •   by Anne Say 5 kid pirates learning about  friendship and life Why would pirates live in a swamp? Well, that's kind of what makes them peculiar. Join  Tiger Lily, Christmas Angel,  Flower, Tock, and Dixie as they have adventures and fun in the Okefenokee Swamp. Available on Kindle  
  •   by Anne B. Say What happens when a new kid pirate moves into the swamp, and she can do everything better then everybody! Watch how Flower, Christmas Angel, Tiger Lily save the day for the Peculiar Pirate kids in           Okefenokee Swamp. Available in Paperback
  • by Rhonda Fleming A simple Bible study method that helps you hear God speak to you through His Word. Knowing what’s in the Bible is important. Getting to know the Author of the Bible and learning to hear Him speak to you is essential in order to fulfill your destiny! Treasure Seeker Bible Study Workbook provides detailed instructions to teach you a simple three-question Bible study method that will help you discern what God wants to say to you through His Word. This method and the included worksheets can be used to study your choice of scriptures, individually or with a group. Available in Kindle  
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